Radicalism, Veil, and Democracy


On October 20, 2019, the Presidents new era of Indonesia arrived. The 2nd time of Jokowi’s officiating, with his present cabinet as “Indonesia Maju”. Carrying the main mission one of which is to discuss radicalism and terrorism. On that date is also officially named Fachrul Razi chosen as Minister of Religion, who is a retired Army General. Indeed, this is an act that is outside the standard, recorded in history, this time the 3rd Minister of Religion came from the military after Alamsyah and Tarmizi Taher. Intensively discussed, the retirement's eligibility served as Minister of Religion. Regardless of whether this is clear or not, it shows that the President is serious in combating radicalism and terrorism that occur in Indonesia.

Fachrul Razi stated that he was accepted by the Minister of Islamic Religion, but the Minister of Religion of Indonesia as a whole and because of the people were Muslims, thus what was needed to get published about Islam. Being a movement, as well as a breakthrough for the first time in the public, spread the discourse on the prohibition of a veil for female ASNs and cingkrang (as known as the high water pants) for male ASNs which later became a subject of public discussion.

Radicalism Identification
Radicalism is based on the word based on the KBBI, radical which means social or political change or renewal by means of opposing or drastic.
In his opinion, Ainur Rofiq Al Amin titled "The Polemic of the Veil: Is the Identity of the Veil True with Radicalism-Terrorism?" In Alif.Id (02/11) who discussed "in order to have the same perception, radical people in the Indonesian context are those who are anti-Pancasila, NKRI, and takfiri ideology.” Then, when hateful utterances are often voiced, then that is a step towards acts of terrorism, he continued.


Abdul Halim Abu Syuqqah in An-Niqab fi Shariah al-Islam, (2008: 48) stated that the niqab or veil is part of one type of clothing used by some women in the Jahiliyyah period. In its development, the niqab was later ratified during the time of the Prophet Muhammad.
Albert Hourani, the famous Arab historian, in his 1956 article, The Vanishing Veil very convincingly predicted the veil which is an Arabic culture would soon be crushed by the times.

Leila Ahmad, an anthropologist who now teaches at Harvard University, quoted Hourani's writing in his latest work on the Quiet Revolution: The Rise of the Veil from the Middle East to America. According to him, Haorani's allegations were missed. Precisely the veil does not stop at Muslim countries; moreover, it can reach secular countries like America and Europe. This is the fruit of "activation" of Radical Islam that has been up to now, he continued.
As Leila said, we do not approve and support narrow religious understandings, but by seeing the strong and dynamic Islamic radical "activism" we will be able to see this problem more broadly and can get a direction from the impact that might result.

Democracy and Religion

Dom Helder Camara, who was a Roman Catholic religious leader in Brazilian liberation theology and also as archbishop in Brazil that mobilized people’s power to fight for democracy for decades said “Currently there is a close relationship between religion and the democratization process. Religious movements everywhere actively encourage efforts to enforce democracy.”

Based on the observations, it seems that the relationship between religion and democracy is flourishing and that religion plays a transformative role in the lives of the people. In reality, the developments that have taken place do not support such assumptions. Said a religious leader like Father Mangunwijaya departs from catholic and a thinker Dr. Nucholish Madjid departs from Islam and also Mahatma Gandhi as activist and politician from India who wanted to uphold the exclusivity of their own religions over other, at the end they were troubled by the environmental reality.

Democracy renders equal the status and position of all citizens before the law, regardless of ethnic origin, religion, gender, or mother tongue and there was no exception for the Muslim. The prohibition of using veil and cingkrang is like making Muslims exclusively indirectly, hence Muslims are given more attention and are such a top priority in matters of state. Then undermine democratic values.
On the other hand, because it is only a matter of how to dress and has nothing to do with democracy and also the radicalism, even that is far from the view of radicalism that has been described above and also the essence of the veil is only the essence of activism. So, it is not fitting to make restrictions or regulations prohibiting the use of veils and cingkrang, as said above.

Akhmad Zaed

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